Thursday, 27 December 2012

Club del Lenguaje No Verbal

Taller de Detección e Mentiras
Lugar: Santander - Hotel Santemar
Imparte: Dr. Rafael López y Alicia Martos
Matrícula: 70 € (incluye comida en el hotel)
Plazas limitadas

Tuesday, 09 October 2012

Acordo de Governação/Goverment Agreement

Ora viva.
Lembram-se deste dia...pois eu também. Este video foi colocado não para discutir política, mas para vos mostrar a linguagem não verbal que surge entre eles...o que me fez rir quando vi isto acontecer...porquê? Simples, estamos diante de dois galos numa capoeira. Não percebo de politica, mas a natureza não permite dois Alfas no mesmo ambiente..a não ser que a "matilha" seja enorme e seja permitida de forma contida a presença dos dois...obvio que haverá assim sempre um mais "alfa" que o outro, porém, essa forma contida apenas seja visual (todo mundo ver), e não intermanente (o que vai dentro de cada um) como é caso deste video...
Porquê? Essa disputa de "galos" revela-se logo no video completo, mas apenas reduzi para este segmento, uma vez que é neste onde mais se nota essa disputa de "galos". Como? No comportamento Não Verbal entre ambos quando se cumprimentam. É literalmente ver quem é o mais importante...i.e, "eu sou o mais importante aqui! Não, eu sou! Não, eu sou o mais importante!"

Analise do Comportamento Não Verbal:
Em politica, normalmente o individuo que se coloca do lado esquerdo (o nosso lado) da imagem, apresenta sempre um lado do poder, porque quando cumprimenta como o "aperto-de-mão", as costas da mão dele aparece na imagem, elimimando visualmente por completo a mão de quem está do lado direito da imagem. Ou seja, vamos colocar os nomes: Passos Coelho é o homem de poder da imagem (lado esquerdo) e Portas (o lado direto). Aqui aparece o primeiro "eu sou o mais importante aqui". O segundo, é quando Portas, para anular o aperto-de-mão do Poder, agarra o braço que aperta a mão, mostrando as costas da sua mão "Não, eu sou!" O terceiro "Não, eu sou o mais importante!" vem por parte do Passos Coelho, quando o Portas lhe agarra o braço. Vemos Passos Coelho a agarrar o braço de aperto de Portas, perto do ombro, quase como o controlando e vemos isso nitidamente quando Portas larga o braço de Passos Coelho.

Outra coisa:
Repararam que quando Portas agarra o braço de aperto de Passos Coelho, ele fá-lo com firmeza e depois dá as "pacadinhas de amizade"...certo? Vêm isso? Pois essas "pacadinhas" são de contenção, ou seja, o "nosso amigo" Portas sente-s eum pouco incomdado, ou de apertar a mão de Passos Coelho, ou da assinatura do acordo, ou pelo fato de não ter ganho as eleições e sujeitar-se a uma união para o poder.

I'm showing this video, not to discuss politics, but to show the non-verbal behavior that emerges between them ... which made me laugh when I saw this happen ... why? Simple, we are faced with two roosters in a poultry house, and nature does not allow two Alfas in the same environment .. unless the "pack" is huge and somehow his permitted, but with contained presence... obviously that there is always one more "alpha" the other, however, this "status" is contained only visual (what everyone sees), but not internal (what goes inside each one)...

Why? This dispute between "roosters" shows up during the full video, but my interess goes only on this segment, since this is where it shows more the dispute. How? On the nonverbal behavior between them when they greet. You literally see how's trying to be the most importante figure... ie, "I am the importante one here" "No, I am!" "No, I am the importante one!"

Nonverbal Behavior Analysis:

In politics, usually the individual who stands on the left side of the image, is on the Power Side, because when he "Hand-Shakes", he has the back of his hand facing the viewers, covering the hand of the person who he is greeting. So, Passos Coelho is the Power Man of the image (left) and Portas the Lower One (the right side). Passos Coelho by greeting, he is nonverbilling "I am the importante one here." In second hand, Portas, to undo the power "Hand-Shake" of Passos Coelho, grippins Passos Coelho arm that is shaking hands, showing the back of his hand, nonverbilzing "No, I am!" The third "No, I am the importante one!" comes from Passos Coelho when Portas grabs his arm, and he does so, by grabbing Portas's arms close to his shoulder, certifying that he is the importante one, reinforcing back the Power, and you see that, when Portas undoes the gripping and hand-shake. 

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Facial Expression?

Stephanie Lazarus. Former Los Angeles Police was sentenced to 27 years to life in prison with the possibility of parole for killing her ex-boyfriend's wife nearly three decades ago in a fit of rage and jealousy. Seen this picture, can you find out her facial expression?

Robert U. Akeret

I don't know if anyone knows who Robert U. Akeret was, but his book was the first book that has come to my hands, and by his book I started to get interesed in human behaviour. So, for him, I'm going to post several photos to anayone to analysis....and believe it will be fun. First thing...there is no relationship with this couple to the photographer. Second and it's what I call a "proud photo": The whole family is in first plan, but the whole house is also in plan (second thou), which gives me the impresstion that the house also belongs to the family "proudly". Third, it's a humble wooden house, which I truly believe it was done by the "men" of the family. Forth, its a male domaint family: firth...well I will let you tell me...for the record...fifth item: its about body language that you can see

Friday, 24 August 2012


The focus here is between the old man and lady next to him....Can anyone see their standing position? First, their leaking a dominance standing position "Palm-inPalm". Curiously, this standing position is mainly done by men (royal, military, authorities), but in this picture, we find a woman do also...need to tell more about her traits? Back to their standing position which leaks rapport between them, signaling their trying to establish a commonality and mirroring purposefully, or some kind of relationship? Yes, I found out that they have a family relationship. Great mirroring standing position.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

About Ryan’s Interview

First place: I’m not here to write if Ryan is actually guilty or not, if he is lying or not. This is more a Signal Facial Expression observation.
Ryan - “We hitted it off perfectly”.
0.10” – For me at the very beginning with Ryan and from my point view, I start with a SIGNAL. Amazing, as he just starts saying the sentence above his body language reveals a “nod”, this for me shows a contradiction on what his saying about the “perfectly start”. Why? Because, as he says a positive sentence, he sends a negative non-verbal message. Which brings to the conclusion (for me) that, although his sentence is in past sense, his “nod” isn’t a past issue, because I believe that every couple at the start of their married live (unless they’re forced to do so), is actually a happy and has a “perfect” start, which tracks my mind that he is referring to a close past-present situation – is it days or weeks or months before a death? I don’t know.
His eyes accessing cue doesn’t give us any clue that his referring the happiness at the beginning (past or present) because as he says it, his looking at the camera… like his showing the public the idea they were happy.
He also raises his eyebrows at the beginning to emphasis his answer, knowing what to answer, which gives the idea, and I do believe so, that he knows the questions to be done...which triggers me the idea that he accepted this interview to try and convince the audience what he couldn’t do to the juror of the three trails.

Interviewer - “Was there any friction?”
Ryan - “None whatsoever”
 0.11”- Before the moment of the answer, Ryan closes his eyes for more than 1 second, all thou the “nod” combines with the negative sentence, but the closing eyes before his answer, for me, is a clue that he shuts his eyes to hide something between them (him and the Interviewer), his negative response.

Interviewer - “Everything was cool?”
Ryan - “Perfect…perfect”
 0.13”- Bingo! And this one, we can see that he tries to control his body language, and I say so, because as he starts answering, his about the raise his head to “yes” and then an huge “nod” at the sometime he takes a deep breath. This for me is a SIGNAL, and as his finished the “perfect”, voila, another eye-shut. And the second word “perfect” has a clear lower tone…
 He eyes accessing cues leads his to the Auditory Remembering. This probably reveals that Ryan is a Auditory Processing System, but if so, does he need to remember words/sounds to tell us the it was “perfect” or is he recalling words that have been said, so that it won’t go against or reveal something that its not to be known. I don’t know. (Attention, although we see flattened lips, it’s just the ending of second word “perfect”)

Narrator – He had only one worry about Sarah…
Ryan – “My biggest problem with her, was her sleep…she would work regular days and she would need to go to bed earlier…she would be taking a nap…I just thought…something wasn’t healthy about it… your 24 years old”
- So, after all there was friction. 0.25.23” - There is a micro-expression that I missed, but after several views, it spotted to me as a SIGNAL and I’ll post a image of what I’m saying. He does it between “I just thought” and “something wasn’t healthy about it”, a scornful-smile. After that, on the next sentence, as he says it, there’s no sadness here, but instead, I can sense in his tone, some aggressiveness. This tone increases more when he end the last phrase, besides, keep attention that, when he starts talking, he uses past tense, but when comes to the last phrase, it’s on present tense. Also as he says those two phrases I can see that his searching his emotions/feelings cue. Reformulating all it, he searches his emotions to answer and through the process, there’s a feeling by saying the last sentence that giveaway contempt.
Interviewer – She’s where? Laying on the couch?
Ryan – “Laying on the couch, yeah…”
Ok, before showing the time/image, I would like to say something, it’s this dialogue between them two. Ryan uses the dialogue of the interviewer about Sarah being in the couch. His rephrasing it – this for me has two sides. One, confirms more and more that Ryan knows the questions to answer or, second his hidding something. 0.43.83” – And here we go again. Why? Watch the image below…It’s at the precise time the interviewer asks “She’s where?” Once more this scornful smile that he shows doesn’t help much in his interview. I can’t match the facial expression with the question, because the report has cuts through the whole interview, but grabbing from what the Narrator says before, it proofs two things. First, he knows the questions and he feels confident, arrogant and blows a sense of amusement. Second, is that the interviewer is coming close to what happened that night…and how does he show his feelings…scornful smile.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Kate vs Kate

Today I’m watching this photo. First of all, the only reason I’m pointing out these two photo, its on purpose of showing postures, and only that. We have two beautiful ladies, one earned a higher status, and after a marriage and the other one is a sportswoman, which in this case is the Team Captain of Great Britain’s women’s hockey team. It’s curious, that the dearest Duchess on this moment, somehow and for reasons unknown, she’s on a defensive posture. We see that on her shoulders, there are pulled back, creating an arch with a torso, like she backing away her chest. This posture is also revealed in cluster with her legs. There are near each other…plus, can anyone see Kate’s hands. My next post I’ll talk about this …
But what drew my attention is Kate Walsh – the Captain – She’s with any doubt what I call an “Alfa Female”. Which is the reason that his Captain, and I believe that it’s all about her hockey skill, it’s also her attitude. It’s easy to take a simple look at the photo and in instant see that who has a dominant attitude. Right, it’s Kate, but Kate Walsh. Why do I say that? First of all: Two signals popup: Her elbows and the position of her legs. Men do more often this position, just slightly more opened, and they leak out, that she’s in her territory. We can see that she tilts her head slightly, showing her neck, although it’s common as a signal of submission, it also leaks out that she is not at all afraid from her. We also see that there’s no clue for defensive, it’s more the other way, check the position of her eyes. She tilts her head down to look at Kate with a stare gaze looking upwards and the eyebrows acts as an amplifier of these signals. Whatever these two ladies are talking, there’s no doubt that Kate Walsh is making very well her point of view.